The arrest of a homeless man in Portland last week for visual sexual aggression against a child occurred at a public housing complex, according to arrest records.
Ahmed Said Abdullahi, 30, whose Cumberland County Jail booking information indicated he was “unhoused,” was arrested early in the morning on Sunday, May 12, on the charge of visual sexual aggression against a child under 14 years old.
Abdullahi was booked at the Cumberland County Jail where his bond amount was set at $500.
As of May 22, Abdullahi is not longer in custody at Cumberland County Jail, according to the jail’s online inmate database.

In the Maine Criminal Code, visual sexual aggression against a child is a Class D crime that involves an adult exposing their genitals to a child under 14 years old.
The criminal statute also includes the visual recording of a child under 14’s genital areas under circumstances “in which a reasonable person would expect to be safe from such surveillance.”
The Portland Police Department did not respond to an inquiry from the Maine Wire regarding where the arrest of Abdullahi occurred.
However, arrest records published by Portland Police indicate that the arrest occurred shortly before 5:30 a.m. at Bayside Terrace, a public housing complex run by the Portland Housing Authority.
Bayside Terrace, according to the Portland Housing Authority, is “a Low Rent Public Housing Family development in the East Bayside Neighborhood.”
The public housing complex also contains an onsite Head Start pre-kindergarten program.
Say ‘hello’ to one of the hundreds of ‘New Mainers’ per Janet Mills!
We need to keep our children safe.
ICE needs to deport this illegal’ asap!
imigration status?
General Shills says we need another 75,000 of this type. Isn’t diversity wonderful!
I’ll be keeping an eye out for this stinky fence jumper… if I see him around riverton, he’ll be getting thr curb stomp
Another outstanding typical Mainer with a typical American name.
Keep voting for those democrats !
THIS problem will continue to get bigger and worse as long as the democrats continue to hold power .
Maine is where Ahmed calls home now that the democrats have rolled out the red carpet .
Homeless? No we need to send him home, one way ticket to where he came from! Cheaper and better for the country then having him breaking the law here! Only a matter of time before he rapes some child!
What a Ball less Beta Male you are Stop calling these 3rd World Primates Migrants and unhoused … You guys are just more STATE OWQNED MEDIA