A national poll released by Gallup on Thursday found that the vast majority of Americans support photo Identification requirements at polling locations and proof of citizenship for anyone registering to vote for the first time.
A staggering 84 percent of Americans believe that everyone should have to provide a photo ID at their polling location in order to vote.
Almost as many, 83 percent, want everyone registering to vote for the first time to provide proof of citizenship.
When Gallup broke down the numbers by party affiliation, they found that even the majority of Democrats support photo ID—67 percent—and proof of citizenship, 68 percent.
[RELATED: White House Condemns Proposed Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote…]
Democratic politicians have consistently opposed election integrity measures such as proof of citizenship and photo ID laws.
Historically, left-wing activists and politicians have argued against voter ID laws, claiming that they discriminate against racial minorities and suggesting that minorities are somehow less capable of acquiring common forms of photo ID than white people.
The Gallup poll seems to contradict that argument, finding that 80 percent of people of color support voter ID requirements, and 76 percent support proof of citizenship requirements.
The poll also found overwhelming support for early voting, with 76 percent of respondents wanting every American to have the chance to vote before election day.
A significant 60 percent majority wants anyone doing business with their local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or other state agencies to be automatically registered to vote.
The same percentage wants absentee ballot applications automatically sent to every eligible voter, regardless of whether the voters request them.
A significant minority, 40 percent, supported limiting the number of ballot drop boxes and locations for returning absentee ballots, intending to protect against mail-in ballot fraud.
Even fewer respondents, 35 percent, supported states scrubbing their voter rolls of anyone who had not voted in five years.
[RELATED: South Portland City Clerk Reveals How Easily Non-Citizens Can Vote in Maine Elections…]
Currently, Maine law does not require a photo ID when registering to vote and does not require any form of proof of citizenship other than a simple checkbox asking whether the applicant is a citizen.
I don’t go out much, I don’t need to, maybe once or twice a month and that’s fine with me. On the trip today I noticed a lot of houses in my neighborhood had removed their harris signs, embarrassed I suppose. Perhaps there is hope for these morons.
A good question for Maine Wire to ask the democrats running for office where they stand.
“Historically, left-wing activists and politicians have argued against voter ID laws, claiming that they discriminate against racial minorities and suggesting that minorities are somehow less capable of acquiring common forms of photo ID than white people.”
F you! Why do we let them get away with this crap?! This should’ve been implemented decades ago yet here we are still discussing it. Feckless Republicans!
We need an article 5 Convention of States to propose amendments to rein in the DC Kleptocracy and restore the government of the People !
Only democrats think it’s ok for illegals to vote for THEM .
Only democrats don’t want to ask for voter ID .
Only democrats will do anything illegal if it can mean more votes for them .
Democrats NEED TO LOSE on November 5th .
What country are the 16 percent front?
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Ranked Choice Voting
WHAT ELSE can the democrats do to rig our elections other than just throw away our votes .
Oh yes …that’s correct
Let the illegal alien “ New Mainers “ vote .
This is what we’re up against. Weaponized … now tell me, who are the Nazis again?