A Maine resident, who asked to remain anonymous, finally received a response to a Feb. 2024 request for public records submitted to Maine’s Secretary of State.
The response, which came more than eight months after the request was submitted, included a “good faith” time and cost estimate of $15,075 in order to comply with the request.
[RELATED: The Shenna Files: Freedom of Access Under the Democrat Uniparty…]

The Secretary of State’s office requested a 50 percent down payment of $7,537.50 in order to begin preparing the public records.
Under Maine law, such time and cost estimates are “non-binding.”
So nothing would prevent the Secretary of State’s office, upon receiving the $7,537.50, from later revising their cost estimate for the work of collecting and redacting records upward.
your DemocRAT-Communists at work for you again!!!! Keep voting them in Mainers!!!
This begs the question: what would these state employees be doing if not responding to requests for publicly-held information? Why not just respond without charging an arm and a leg? Otherwise most of these people would just be surfing the internet or watching porn on their phone while staring out the window.
Why can’t they provide records ?
They certainly aren’t designing stupid flag contests .
What do they do all day ?
Time has come to find a new Sec. of State !
Where do I sign the recall petition ?
Ask for the raw data. non redacted
Bellow’s again. Get her out
The STATE could use some AI
Paying for Public Records
This is not Europe where even a figure head monarch can claim “ownership” of records. This sovietization of secreting public information under a pay system with no limits to bureacratic diktat has to be eliminated.
It has even seeped down to the town level where they claim not to have the time to research town meeting minutes thereby secreting away the public records and implicitly claiming these records are “theirs”.
American government is not a business nor should it be a slovenly pig/fat donkey fest with the public’s funds and information.
The freedom of information act needs to be revised to eliminate or at least cap costs and personnel that are engaging in this blatant abuse.
Wasn’t the internet supposed to make govt more transparent?
It’s called kakistocracy. Look it up.
must be some very interesting emails if they want to charge that much…
So the ‘idiot that wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars through the whole process of trying to get Mainers to vot4e for the “urine” flag that was really all her idea, wants to charge citizens for public information, WOW, Go figure!! The worst education in the country under democrat/communist rule, taxes in the top five highest, a coke addict governor, state cops that don’t do anything other then check accidents and bust speeders on the turnpike while sheriffs do the heavy lifting. Mean while the governor is putting solar panels at every exit and in every vacant lot driving electric rates through the roof.Yeah, vote democrat and complain, show just how stupid and uninformed you are!!
Nothing to see here, move along “Stolen from another contributor”