Rep. Laurel Libby (R-Auburn) filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Maine House Speaker Ryan Fecteau in the U.S. District Court of Maine for violating her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights by censuring her last month for posting a publicly-available photograph of a trans-sexual identifying high school athlete and stripping her of her ability to speak or vote on behalf of her constituents in the legislature.
Rep. Libby’s suit seeks declaratory relief that her censure violated her rights, and injunctive relief against her silencing and the removal of her voting privileges. It also seeks legal expenses from the defendant for the costs of the action as well as “any other legal and equitable relief the Court may deem just and proper.”
“Instead of having an open and honest debate about the devastating impacts of Maine girls being forced to compete against biological males, Speaker Fecteau and his Democratic colleagues resorted to canceling and silencing me,” Rep. Libby said in a statement issued about the suit.
“Speaker Fecteau and the Democrat majority are risking hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding for our schools by stubbornly refusing to address this injustice. I have the constitutional right to speak out and my constituents have the right to full representation in the Maine House. Biological males have no place in girls’ sports. Our girls have every right, under federal law, to fair competition in sports. We will not let them be erased by the Democrat majority advancing a woke progressive agenda,” she continued.
By a 75-70 vote along party lines, the Maine House of Representatives voted to censure Libby on February 25. Since then, she has been unable to speak on behalf of legislation she has sponsored and is effectively barred from representing her 9,000 constituents on critical questions, including those on state spending as the legislature is poised to vote on a $120 million supplemental budget request.
Libby’s suit names as co-plaintiffs a half dozen specific constituents. Her 29-page complaint also cites specific examples of Rep. Fecteau posting photos of students for political purposes and draws attention to the fact that her actions were driven not only to protect female athletes but also to point out that Maine is in violation of an executive order issued by President Donal Trump barring biological males from participating in female school athletics.
I back Libby 100%!!!
Agree with her but this just gonna cost Mainers money cuz democrats will never be held accountable…
If Laurel doesn’t win this, it will be obvious that Biden has ruined our judicial system. I hope Pam Bondi and the DOJ will do what they can in this case.
Give them hell Laurel!
GOOD for her !
Wonderful Wonderful News .
Make this Fecteau character squirm .
He deserves whatever punishment HE gets .
I don’t care HOW MUCH it costs .
These as-*hole democrats need to be put in their place .
I am sick and tired of this democrat insanity .
This is great news!
Funny, Ive been asking for help for awhile now………….
Even if this doesn’t work just remember the pendulum of politics swings both ways like it just did in washington. I would imagine shortly after the adults are back in charge the first order of business will be to censure all democrats, as they deserve.
Censure that n——e d—k Baldacci
Laurel for Guv na
Laurel is a much prettier woman than fecteau…..
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