The 19th installment of the Twitter Files courtesy of independent journalist Matt Taibbi came out Friday.
The new information expands what the American public knows about the shocking lengths to which the federal government and large tech companies went to censor and deceive the American public.
The latest story features the “Virality Project,” a creature of Stanford University that was later embraced by nearly every large social media company and the federal government.
The goal of the project was to identify people on social media who said things about COVID-19 that the government didn’t want them to say.
When speech the government didn’t like was identified, social media companies were tapped in to censor or restrict the visibility of that speech.
In the course of Taibbi’s investigation, he identified several instances in which Virality Project and government operatives flagged speech that was true for censorship — and not just speech we later learned was true, but speech the operatives knew was true at the time it was posted.
Subjects were targeted for censorship if they posted anything that might make someone hesitant to take an mRNA vaccine.
That included links to stories about celebrities who died after taking a vaccine or stories about vaccine-related side effects.
That also included anyone who suggested natural immunity could be just as effective as the vaccine.
And it also included people who suggested that those who had gotten the vaccine were still contracting the virus at fairly high rates.
Of course, even the medical establishment has now admitted that natural immunity is significant, the vaccines don’t prevent transmission, and, yes, there have been vaccine-related injuries as the result of the COVID-19 shots.
The Virality Project reviewed and coordinated censorship on YouTube/Google, Twitter, Facebook/Instagram, Medium, Tiktok, and Pintrest — a dragnet that captured a vast amount of online discourse.
“This story is important for two reasons,” Taibbi wrote.
“One, as Orwellian proof-of-concept, the Virality Project was a smash success. Government, academia, and an oligopoly of would-be corporate competitors organized quickly behind a secret, unified effort to control political messaging,” he wrote.
“Two, it accelerated the evolution of digital censorship, moving it from judging truth/untruth to a new, scarier model, openly focused on political narrative at the expense of fact,” he wrote.
The media in Maine have for some reason ignored the highly newsworthy revelations emerging from the Twitter files, including the revelation that Maine Sen. Angus King conspired with Twitter and Facebook to have people who were critical of his 2018 Senate campaign permanently banned from the social media platforms.
Regardless of the opinions of a handful of newspaper editors who might not even understand social media in the first place, Taibbi’s reporting on the Twitter Files remains one of the most significant stories of the year.
You can follow his entire thread here: