2015 State of the Union Address
In case you forgot, or chose not to watch because you have more productive ways to use your time, the president delivered his sixth State of the Union Address last night. President Obama pushed for tax hikes, raising the minimum wage, and his plan for two free years of community college. If you didn’t watch it last night and can stomach this archaic political circus, the full speech is embedded below.
Deflated Footballs Cause Headaches
According to ESPN, an NFL investigation into Sunday’s AFC Championship Game has found that 11 out of 12 footballs used in the game were significantly under-inflated. Investigators are looking into when the balls could have been deflated, as a referee is supposed to approve the balls before the game. No word yet on whether any penalties will be placed on the Patriots after the NFL officially announces its findings.
Crisis at the Maine Board of Corrections
The Maine Board of Corrections is asking lawmakers to approve a $2.5 million emergency spending bill to avoid furloughing inmates, even though the board can’t actually spend that money due to a technicality. The Maine Board of Corrections currently only has two members, which is not enough to hold a quorum. Governor LePage has neglected to appoint new members to the board, saying that the current administrative system is ineffectual and ought to be replaced by the Legislature.
Didn’t watch it..can’t stand the BS he keeps dishing out. He is an embarassment.